Boy, am I glad I didn't watch this in theatres. The second installment of the Machete series has Machete taking on a request from the President of the United States to help stop a terrorist. Machete agrees, only to find out the terrorist is only a small cog in a chain of bad guys. Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson star in this feature as well. Quite a sub-par film, not quite as entertaining as its predecessor. The film also stars an annoying Sofia Vergara as the leader of a bunch of call girls who go on a vendetta to try and kill Machete. The only thing that kept me going through the movie was waiting to see Mel Gibson playing a villain, which he did very nice in, as well as the numerous eye-candy in the film. Both Michelle Rodriguez and Amber Heard look amazingly gorgeous in this flick. And if you keep your eyes open extra wide, you will catch a glimpse of a much grown up Alexa Vega of Spy Kids fame. Rodriguez definitely did not hesitate in putting her in the skimpiest outfit out of the entire female cast. Aside from that, do not expect much from this film. 1 and a half stars out of four.