"The Wolf of Wall Street" is the larger than life true story of Jordan Belfort (played by the charismatic Leonardo DiCaprio), a Long Island penny stockbroker who served 3 years in prison for investment fraud in the infamous 1990's securities scam that involved widespread corruption on Wall Street.
With a supporting cast of Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie and Jean Dujardin, the film dives into the world of stockbroking, while examining the themes of moral ambiguity. This isn't exactly a film you take underage kids to, as it also boasts graphic nudity and heavy drug use...and could probably corrupt young minds into thinking that the behaviour in the film is morally acceptable today's society. As a result, the film has received massive criticism for its portrayal of its vulgar content. But what would you expect when the film is helmed by one of cinema's greats: Martin Scorsese. The film shows that he is still very much at his prime, and still offers yet another film that doesn't sugar-coat its content. The Wolf of Wall Street is still very much going strong in theatres, with a running time of 179 minutes. It has also been nominated for 5 Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Best Screenplay.
With a supporting cast of Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie and Jean Dujardin, the film dives into the world of stockbroking, while examining the themes of moral ambiguity. This isn't exactly a film you take underage kids to, as it also boasts graphic nudity and heavy drug use...and could probably corrupt young minds into thinking that the behaviour in the film is morally acceptable today's society. As a result, the film has received massive criticism for its portrayal of its vulgar content. But what would you expect when the film is helmed by one of cinema's greats: Martin Scorsese. The film shows that he is still very much at his prime, and still offers yet another film that doesn't sugar-coat its content. The Wolf of Wall Street is still very much going strong in theatres, with a running time of 179 minutes. It has also been nominated for 5 Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Best Screenplay.