To Love Ru may just yet be the most popular ecchi series ever created. It follows Yuuki Rito, a normal high school boy whose life is suddenly disrupted by the appearance of an alien in the form of a beautiful young female, Lala Deviluke. He finds out that she is the heir to the throne of her home world Deviluke, and is betrothed to a male candidate, but she decides to stay on earth and marry Yuuki. The series follows a series of events, stemming from Yuuki's infatuation with a secret crush, Haruna Sairenji, as well as intergalactic assassins descending on Earth to eliminate both himself and Lala.
As mentioned above, this anime is the picture perfect example of a well crafted ecchi series, as it boasts everything from slaptstick humor, romances, drama, action, sci-fi, and a plethora of fan-service moments. To Love Ru spans three seasons of 50 episodes total + 10 OVA episodes. The third season entitled To Love Ru: Darkness truly attempts to break down that wall separating ecchi from hentai. Hit the jump to the uncensored galleries and keep those tissues handy.
As mentioned above, this anime is the picture perfect example of a well crafted ecchi series, as it boasts everything from slaptstick humor, romances, drama, action, sci-fi, and a plethora of fan-service moments. To Love Ru spans three seasons of 50 episodes total + 10 OVA episodes. The third season entitled To Love Ru: Darkness truly attempts to break down that wall separating ecchi from hentai. Hit the jump to the uncensored galleries and keep those tissues handy.