Ladies versus Butlers! follows Hino Akiharu, as he enrolls in a boarding school in hopes of becoming a butler. However, his facial appearance tends to frighten the female members of the school, hence at times being unable to get along with anybody. Enter childhood friend Saikyou Tomomi and popular girl Selnia Iora Flameheart, who happens to have an unusual fascination with Hino, albeit sometimes quite rude and obnoxious. Their trio's friendship blossoms throughout the series, and at one point, a romance blossoms that could threaten the friendship.
Ladies versus Butlers is a very interesting anime to watch, as it is purely romance driven, yet at times, a right touch of comedy always takes place to remind us that this anime is extremely light-hearted in content. But let's not forget it's fanservice level, which is close to off-the-roof category, more prevalent in the OVA episodes than in the anime itself. Nevertheless, it is a must watch in this reviewer's opinion. Ladies versus Butlers! spans 12 episodes + 6 OVA Episodes of pure unadulterated fan-service. Hit the jump for the uncensored galleries and keep those tissues handy.
Ladies versus Butlers is a very interesting anime to watch, as it is purely romance driven, yet at times, a right touch of comedy always takes place to remind us that this anime is extremely light-hearted in content. But let's not forget it's fanservice level, which is close to off-the-roof category, more prevalent in the OVA episodes than in the anime itself. Nevertheless, it is a must watch in this reviewer's opinion. Ladies versus Butlers! spans 12 episodes + 6 OVA Episodes of pure unadulterated fan-service. Hit the jump for the uncensored galleries and keep those tissues handy.